Changing the world one parking structure at a time... (The Fantastic Five)
About Us
Andrew Mikhail
Lead Machinist- Retrieval Mechanism Designer - Caliberator
James Johnson
Lead Designer Retrieval Mechanism - Machinist - Caliberator
Hi everyone, my name is Andrew Mikhail. I am a senior mechanical engineering student at the University of California, Berkeley. I was born and raised in Egypt until I was 18 years old. I then continues my education and transferred to Berkeley Engineering. I have always wanted to become an engineer to make an impact on the world. With my group we believe that our autonomous parking structure is step one in a plan to make the world a better sustainable place for future generations. After graduation, I will be working with General Motors and continue to make an impact.
Hi everyone, my name is James Johnson and I am a senior mechanical engineering student at UC Berkeley. I transferred to Berkeley in fall 2014 from Southern California. I am older than most other students as I spent nearly 10 years working before I decided to go back to school. In that time, I learn a lot about myself and developed many important skills that have helped me develop as an engineer. I am very good at problem-solving, designing and building. I have been working with my hands my entire life and love to get away from the books to get my hands dirty any chance I can get.
Jessica Yox
Lead Designer: Lifting Mechanism
My names is Jessica Yox. I have lived in the Bay Area for most of my life. I transferred to Cal from Villanova University and started in the 2014 Fall Semester. I have been interested in autonomy ever since I had the opportunity to ride in a Self-Driving Google car. For the past four summers, I have interned at an Autonomous Parking Garage/ Architecture company called Nautilus Group and an Autonomous Trucking Company called Otto. I believe that Autonomous Parking Garages are instrumental in saving space given our growing population and corresponding infrastructure and will still be needed when autonomous cars dominate the roads.
Alan Cea
Designer - Machinist
Hello everyone, my name is Alan Cea. I am a senior mechanical engineering student at the UC Berkeley. Previously, I was an enlisted member of the United States Navy and worked on board a nuclear powered aircraft carrier as a mechanical operator in the power and propulsion plants. Equipped with the invaluable experience as a former Navy nuke and the college education I’m currently working toward, the next step for me will be to mentor and become a role model to those who have a lack of resources, especially in the minority groups in order to make the STEM fields a more diverse and inclusive environment.
Kyle Archer
Lead Programmer
My name is Kyle Archer, and I transferred to UCB from Chaffey College in Southern California. I’m finishing my last semester for my mechanical engineering bachelor’s degree and starting my master’s degree in spring. I’ve had the pleasure of doing research for the Space Sciences Laboratory and the Berkeley SETI Research Center during my undergraduate education at Berkeley, and I’ve learned quite a bit about programming and astronomy along the way. I’m currently focusing on dynamics and control systems, and aspire for a career as a vehicle dynamicist.
Our inspiration comes from the growing population size and the demand for more
With a growing population the need for space increase especially in areas where cars are main mode of transportation
Need for freeways, and parking structures increase​
Traditional parking structures are fixed and rely on human to efficiently use the allotted space
With human error comes loss of space​
This is what we aim to fix! A fully autonomous parking structure that does the work for you!
Not only does it park your car, but it also categorizes each car based on its dimensions​
with this categorization comes space efficiency!​
BUT enough of the talking and let us SHOW you!
Early Ideas
Through out the project our team strived to design, optimize and redesign to come up with best possible design hence you will see multiple iterations of each subsystem.
Rotation/Lifting subsystem
Retrieval Mechanism subsystem
Machining and Progress
Retrieval Mechanism subsystem
Machining 1/8 rods with 0.020 thousandths groves for E clips
Retrieval mechanism slider after machining
Andrew Mikhail:
James Johnson:
Jessica Yox:
Kyle Archer:
Alan Cea: